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Polls: Family & Friends

Is it wrong to feel offended over not being invited to something that your friends did without you?

Like it just makes me feel either forgotten about or maybe even worse that they did think of me but didn’t want to hang out with me. Makes me question the friendship a little.
Like it just makes me feel either forgotten about or maybe even worse that they did think of me but didn’t want to hang out with me. Makes me question the friendship a little. Show More
Its not wrong. You’re allowed to feel how you feel
Not wrong but its not a big deal honestly
It is wrong and you should just get over it
Maybe its not what you think it is and you might be jumping to conclusions. You should talk with them about it to find out more.
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Do you ever just get a feeling someone doesn’t like you even though they never tell you?

I mean like its not completely obvious but just general vibes you get feel a bit off while talking or interacting with them.
I mean like its not completely obvious but just general vibes you get feel a bit off while talking or interacting with them. Show More
Yes. Wish they’d just tell me what their beef with me is
No. I only get the vibes when it’s obvious
Sometimes but it’s irrelevant to me. I can’t please everyone
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I’m a blessing to them
I feel more of a burden
I don’t know tbh
Only they can answer that
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No, I've been sloppy drunk around them multiple times
No, I would feel comfortable
I hate drinking as a whole
Yes, because I feel like I may say too much/incriminating/inappropriate things
I don't wanna get sloppy drunk with anyone, because I fear getting taken advantage of
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Sue her for harassment
Move and not tell her my address
Other (I’ll put in comments)
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Do u like ur relatives?

I hate my cousin and his family. They r just being problem and very brainless people, all of them. I got so angry at him that i imagined he is craving in pain as i crumpled the plastic bottle. Do u have some rituals like...
I hate my cousin and his family. They r just being problem and very brainless people, all of them. I got so angry at him that i imagined he is craving in pain as i crumpled the plastic Show More
No, i hate them.
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Do you think it's appropriate to bring a baby/toddler to a funeral?

One of my grandmother's died when I was two, so I don't have any memories of her or her passing. Apparently, I didn't go to her funeral because my dad didn't want me to go. I understand his reasons for not wanting me...
One of my grandmother's died when I was two, so I don't have any memories of her or her passing. Apparently, I didn't go to her funeral because my dad didn't want me to go. I Show More
I don't think babies/toddlers should be allowed at funerals
I don't mind babies/toddlers being at funerals
It depends on things
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Do you ever good into arguments with your pets?

My cat ate all his food too quickly so he's been begging for more. i won't give in cause cat food is expensive these days and also i don't want him to get fat lol. so ill just argue with him and he meows back. im like...
My cat ate all his food too quickly so he's been begging for more. i won't give in cause cat food is expensive these days and also i don't want him to get fat lol. so ill just argue Show More
Yes i do argue with my pets too
nah i don't do that
I don't have pets
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Would you call prejudicial behavior if it was a friend or relative of yours?

So they say or act racist, or sexist, or homophobic or what have you in your presence while you are trying to hang out. Would you call them out for it? and have you done so before?...
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Did your parents ever read bed time stories to you?

If so were you read to with any interesting books?
If so were you read to with any interesting books? Show More
Yes my parents did read me bed time stories
One parent did
No but my sibling/grandparent/babysitter/guardian did
No one read me any bedtime stories
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No, they never showed favoritism to any of us
I don't have any siblings
Yes, they have showed me favoritism before
They haven't showed me favoritism, but they have showed one of my siblings favoritism
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That dude my momma makes me call uncle, eventhough he ain't related to us, and only comes over when pops not around 🤔
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True friends are real
Everyone's a tool of some kind
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Would you get in between an aggressive dog, wild animal or monster to save your child?

If an aggressive animal or monster was heading towards your child's direction, would you get in between? This means accepting you're literally dead meat. 100% chance your child is saved but 80-90% chance you'll die. If...
If an aggressive animal or monster was heading towards your child's direction, would you get in between? This means accepting you're literally dead meat. 100% chance your child is Show More
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Would you look down on a single mother who has 3 kids and is only 25 years old herself?

I read on a forum about a 25 year old female who has 3 kids which she is raising herself as a single mother She’s also 25 years old Am I the only one that finds that gross 😂
I read on a forum about a 25 year old female who has 3 kids which she is raising herself as a single mother She’s also 25 years old Am I the only one that finds that gross 😂 Show More
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Are many unremorseful bullies actually narcissists?

They are typically the ones that grow up to be successful (even get married and have kids), moved on as if nothing ever happened and never once reached out to their former victims of their bullies. In fact, in you even...
They are typically the ones that grow up to be successful (even get married and have kids), moved on as if nothing ever happened and never once reached out to their former victims of Show More
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How many have a family member or sibling who has a toxic 2 faced boss?

Usually a women who is the worst to all but her select few who she kinda likes while stabbing every one else in the back. Bringing down her entire department but being nice and fun to the men above her. My sister and me...
Usually a women who is the worst to all but her select few who she kinda likes while stabbing every one else in the back. Bringing down her entire department but being nice and fun to Show More
So do
Not me
My family member
My sibling
Like my boss
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Is this a bad list of baby names?

Vote on a favorite if you'd like. I'd like these all for my kids, but my husband doesn't like a few of them. Do any sound bad?
Vote on a favorite if you'd like. I'd like these all for my kids, but my husband doesn't like a few of them. Do any sound bad? Show More
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If it was accident , how did it happen? Show More
Got pregnant by accident
We planned everything
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What do you think of rollercoasters? Do you like them or do you find them scary? Or does it make you feel nauseous?

I really like them, but my friend doesn't like them. He said that rollercoasters make him sick easily. I was first thinking that some people are scared of rollercoasters, but I found out that is really a thing that some...
I really like them, but my friend doesn't like them. He said that rollercoasters make him sick easily. I was first thinking that some people are scared of rollercoasters, but I found Show More
I like them!
I am afraid of rollercoasters.
It makes me sick.
Other opinion? Tell me below!
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