Have you ever been "disowned" or kicked out by a parent or stepparent?

Three years ago, as of Sunday, I was excommunicated by my stepmom, stepsiblings, and my dad. Because I had hoarding issues, I started to be closer to my mom who gave me up at a young age due to drug issues and being young, and pretty much just was never raised by or around them because my paternal grandparents took custody and adopted me when I was just a kid. I lived with them for 7 years after my grandma died and my grandpa went to live with my aunt in South Carolina. I tried to common bond with them over stuff like music, racing, and other stuff, but every time I did my siblings would say something like "That's my thing, I don't share my fandoms...", and here I am thinking that you can like the same stuff as others, that's how you from common bonds and friends. All I wanted was the same love my grandparents showed me from them. I was like "I'm their son, sibling, stepson. They should love me just as much even though I was not raised with them, they have the same last name that's all that matters" Am I the asshole here?

Have you ever been "disowned" or kicked out by a parent or stepparent?
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