Moving to a new state with my fiance, I'm an only child, and my family is upset?

So to start I'm 31f, been with my fiance 10 years. He got a job in another state about 5 hours from my family, he starts in July. His family lives in CA and other states, we live in AL now in my hometown where we met. I don't really want to move to the new state, but he's going to get a really good job with good benefits. My mother doesn't care about any of that and is just upset and freaking out. I'm an only child and really close with my mom. We hang out every or every other weekend. The thing is it's 5 hours away and my fiance will have free flight benefits and I can be home in an hour or less whenever. I just don't know what to do or say to her to make this ok. Anyone with experience in this type of situation?


Moving to a new state with my fiance, I'm an only child, and my family is upset?
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