What should I think about this?

Yesterday my 7 years old nephew spilled a cup of water on my desk and there was my sister's laptop which she gave me to take care of it, and there was my charger and there was my phone. When I saw the water on desk I got mad on my nephew and yelled at him little bit because I was so scared if the laptop got wet and my charger. And today when I was alone with my nephew I asked him "Did I hurt you yesterday? I'm so sorry I regret" and we hugged each other I told him how much I love him and how I was scared about laptop yesterday and then my nephew told me "my mom said in elevator "don't touch that girl's stuff and don't enter her room, such a stupid girl, I'll fuck her up" when I heard these my perspective about his mother changed just now, what should I do about it, his mother is 2 faced, she never pouted at me yesterday and when I heard that news from my nephew I felt weird.
What should I think about this?
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