Are me and my sister too different from eachother?

We were talking on the phone and I recently graduated. So today we were chatting and I was telling her about my happy moments of graduation and she was really busy with her kids and I felt like I wasn't being heard over the phone and I asked her if she was busy and she said no so I continue to talk and I was telling her my plans and future and what I wanted to do and she came off saying that I don't know things very-well and that I'm still a kid. I felt very insulted and I told her that I'm gonna hang-up the phone now and then she came off saying that she doesn't have time for my nonsense and says she has kids to take care. I felt so bad and angry and I yelled at her and said to go and take care of you kids and I'm not here to take up your time and I said her to f-off and we both hanged up the phone.

Personally I felt very insulted and feel that just because I don't have kids in my life and prefer to pursue my education doesn't make me worthless for it.

She told me that I'm not welcomed in her home and that I can't visit even if my parents come to see. I'm not hurt by it but I feel very insulted by her already.

Are me and my sister too different from eachother?
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