Do you think it should be illegal to give your kids weird/unusual names?

I just saw on the interwebs that the actor, Darren Criss, named his new baby "Brother." That's his new son's first name. 🤦‍♀️

Can you imagine when the boy starts dating and his girlfriend/boyfriend introduces him to people and they say, "This is my boyfriend, BROTHER." 🥴

You can name your kid whatever you want, but at the same time, the line needs to be drawn somewhere and I think this is it. This is where the line should be drawn. 😂

Maybe I'm just being "judgy", but what do you think? Should it be illegal to name your kids certain things?

It should be illegal to name your kid (s) certain things
It should NOT be illegal to name your kid (s) certain things
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Do you think it should be illegal to give your kids weird/unusual names?
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