A good thing to send a friend whose father just passed away…?

A very close friend has been going back and forth to GA for his dad, dropping everything including his job to go tend to whatever the dad needs. Despite this wonderful person’s efforts… it was just his dad’s time.

I don't know all the traditions in that part of the world, but I know he’s Southern Baptist. I can’t make it to the wake/funeral. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I can send him? I’m on the flip side of the infamous Mason Dixon line and religiously attuned to a completely different writ, but I’d like to show my solidarity and support to the guy while he’s there… Suggestions?

12 d
I tried calling just now… I’ll try again in a bit and suggest pitching in with the cleaning bill… what a great idea @OfMiceandMen. And thanks everyone for suggesting I call @NathanDavis and send food. (I was thing to thing of what food to send, actually… thanks @cupcakerhedestroyer for making it simple.)
A good thing to send a friend whose father just passed away…?
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