Should Spanking Be Banned?

Simple question

mostly aimed at parents, should spanking children be illegal? Or at the very least heavily looked down upon

personally I think it should be because of my own personal experiences, it can get way to out of hand easily.

I remember I was pretty young and I had gotten in trouble so I was spanked by my mother and when she went to spank me over her knee she went too low and ended up hitting me in the testes. While I don’t think she meant to do that, the pain was severe and the fact that such accidents can occur makes me think it’s not for the best

in addition I’ve heard of parents intentionally taking things waaaay to far with spanking so I just think it’s to easy to have something go wrong with the punishment

your thoughts?

Yes, it should be Banned!
Nope, it’s an important tool for parents!
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Should Spanking Be Banned?
Post Opinion