How long do you wait for someone when they do not show up on time to meet you for something that has been planned in advance?

You've planned to meet someone, somewhere and you show up right on time or a little bit early. They are not there and are unresponsive to your calls and texts.
How long do you wait for someone when they do not show up on time to meet you for something that has been planned in advance?
I am always on time, I am NEVER late. I will not disrespect someone else and their time no matter what. Yet I think I've been being way too nice because on average I wait around at least 1 to 2 hours, due to how far I have to drive to get into the city.

Yet no matter how long I wait, as soon as I leave to go home, it never fails. I get a text saying "I'm so sorry, (Insert stupid ass lame, probably lying excuse) are you still there, are we able to still meet?"

Usually, this is 5 to 15 minutes AFTER I gave up waiting for them.

Then if I say no, I've already wasted enough time and energy they think I'm a bitch and mean for not turning around and going back to meet them.

The most common excuse I hear is, that they fell asleep and just woke up.

I just want to say are you too stupid to know how to use an alarm? 😂 because they literally KNOW I have to drive 80 miles + round trip just to go into the city to meet them and they be disrespecting my time, money and all that.

I don't feel they are sorry at all and have started calling people on that, when they say they are so sorry, I say "No you are not, or you would of been there on time."
How long do you wait for someone when they do not show up on time to meet you for something that has been planned in advance?
How long do you wait around for someone?
2+ hours
1-2 hours
1 hour max
30 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes
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I am definitely going to be doing two things going forward, I'm not going to wait more than 30 minutes and if someone has no showed before I'm going to text them before I leave asking if we are still on and if I go no response, not going to even leave to meet them.
How long do you wait for someone when they do not show up on time to meet you for something that has been planned in advance?
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