Does anyone know how do I get rid of stray cats from my house (without hurting them) ?

I love pets and was fascinated by animals from a very young age, I used to enjoy watching animal documentaries with my late dad when i was a kid But Mom would never allow me to adopt a pet (espetially a cat😻) A few months ago, a stray cat started sneaking around our home, poor thing just looking for a snack 🤣🤣 At first i thought it was kinda hilarious, especially when mom keeps chasing it away However, now it's not cute anymore... a group of 5 to 6 stary cats (maybe more) are literally invading the house, some would sneak to the kitchen some would just lay on the carpet/on the bed, sometimes the keep scratching a. k. a. ruining leather furnichure Not to mention spilling food or ruining a meal (it's not even hygienic; they are stray cats), sneaking in at night (if a window is kept open) and scaring us in the process.. We don't really know what to do anymore🙀🙀.. of course hurting them is not an option..😿 Can anyone help? Ps. I love cats, but were literally past the cute and hilarious phase here😿😿😿
Does anyone know how do I get rid of stray cats from my house (without hurting them) ?
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