Your thoughts on the Hawk Tuah gone viral?

First time I saw Hawk Tuah was in a comic book movie type of a poster in facebook. This reminded me of an Egyptian hero from the Flash TV series when he was up against Vandal Savage, bitch ass villain.

When I YouTubed hetär, it was just a street level interview of a 23 year old white girl, giving sex advice of spitting on a dick before blow job. The way she said it, was as unforgettable as her charming accent, high energy, perfect looks and what not. Here is Haylay:

In one night she got more fans than there are citizens in Scandinavia. Tattoos, credit cards, merchendise with and without signatures sold out, and what not.

On the downside, her privacy is now threatened. She can easily atract stalkers and worse to follow her, not just online. Fake news and profiles has emerged on the internet, like claims her viral video got her fired from a teaching job, her dad is a pastor, and Hollywood's top agent has signed her up for something big.

Her real name os Hayley and I hope she and everyone in the world is safe, but some of the world os always at war, starving and what not.

My whole thoughts on this matter is, that she is now officially the face in the minds of millions of masturbators, who will never get a girl that pretty. If there was a girl like her to everyone, tjere would be no wars or any problems on earth.

I can't even imagine what her parents, teachers, doctors, employers, clients and others think of this!
Your thoughts on the Hawk Tuah gone viral?
Your thoughts on the Hawk Tuah gone viral?
Your thoughts on the Hawk Tuah gone viral?
Your thoughts on the Hawk Tuah gone viral?
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