Has anyone ever seen the stage play “And So We Become” based on the original Russian novel? If so, is it that shocking I’ve heard it might be revived?

It was a 1966 novel but turned into a stage play in the 1980s. I saw it in London it in 1990s but has a lot of questionable themes. Things I thought they wouldn’t show in a stage play like a girl and boy pre-adolescent with no clothes on on stage and stuff. To be fair, they cut a lot out that was in the book. I heard it was going to be revived, they’d never get away with any of that now so not sure how they’d do it. Anyone heard of it, read book (or original book) or seen the play? It’s only had several productions. Russia, London and German I think.

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For any Russian people, the original is Итак мы становимся
Has anyone ever seen the stage play “And So We Become” based on the original Russian novel? If so, is it that shocking I’ve heard it might be revived?
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