Do you know why Newjeans fans are attacking other kpop singers now?

At the beginning, Newjeans' representative called MeanHiJean was in the danger of being fired. And this is because she tried to take actions from behind to be a CEO of Hybe. So, before she gets fired, she held a press conference to talk about her perspective. But then she suddenly said how terrible Hybe singers are (bts, le serafim inclused), and targetting on illit especially, said that's the reason why she just wanted to have some power and be kind to newjeans And then started to compliment Newjeans, saying she is on their side. And then suddenly all the Newjeans fans started to support this person, Meanhijin and to attack mainly Illit&other Hybe singers.

So, she just used the newest and weakest group in Hybe to misdirect people. When Newjeans' incited the hate towards illit, Illit didn't have much fans as they just debuted and just made one song.(Illit's fan club name was not confirmed yet

So, Newjeans fans making terrible comments at everything that's related to Illit, and people who don't think it's right to bully those little girls or real few of Illit fans sheilding&attacking back.

*Also, Newjeans fans made a lot of bad rumors about all hybe singers, saying BTS dance is about worshiping bears and the devil's land Danword, Le serafim is about worshiping witches, Hybe is controlling youtube. And I'm telling you there are so so many more bad conspiracy and malignant rumors spreaded in Korea becausw of them.

So, in Korea, there's a slang called 뉴진스럽다 (New jean srupda) to refer to people who are selfish and petty or mean.

Do you know why Newjeans fans are attacking other kpop singers now?
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