Is Hollywood star Mackenzie Davis a man (transwoman)?

Is 5'10" Hollywood star of "Terminator: Dark Fate" Mackenzie Davis a transwoman? Literally nothing online in any their biographies or anywhere, states they are a MtF transgender, but... Come on! We have eyes! The fact it's not openly stated or revealed anywhere, despite this person working in Woke Hollywood, is extremely sus.

Mackenzie Davis is definitely a dude, right?

Is Hollywood star Mackenzie Davis a man (transwoman)?
Is Hollywood star Mackenzie Davis a man (transwoman)?
Is Hollywood star Mackenzie Davis a man (transwoman)?
Is Hollywood star Mackenzie Davis a man (transwoman)?
Is Hollywood star Mackenzie Davis a man (transwoman)?
This is the most feminine looking picture you can find of them.
This is the most feminine looking picture you can find of them.
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Is Hollywood star Mackenzie Davis a man (transwoman)?
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