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Help! Our Families Disapprove of Our Age Gap Relationship (25M, 39F)—How Can We Handle This?

I've been dating a much younger guy (14 years younger) for about 4-ish months (25M, 39F). When we started dating we didn't tell our families we were worried about how they'd react to our age gap. However, once we realized that this relationship was getting pretty serious we knew we had to tell them.

On the bright side, my two daughters were super happy and supportive of my relationship. If anything, they were kind of impressed that I was dating someone so much younger and so 'hot' (haha).

However, everyone else's reactions confirmed our initial fears. When I told my family (other than my daughters) they almost all freaked out. They all acted really worried that I was going through some midlife crisis or that he was trying to take advantage of me in some way (neither of those are true). No matter how many times I said otherwise, they refused to believe that I was in a healthy relationship (there were several times that they strongly suggested that I see a therapist). Moreover, there were a few members of my family that made pretty rude and hurtful jokes about me dating a younger guy.

His family might have been even worse. When his parents found out they were upset that he probably wouldn't have any kids if he was with me (which isn't true. If and when we get to that point I'd actually love to have more kids). His mom even questioned if I'd been grooming him (which is ridiculous. He's very much an adult. Besides, he was the one who initially pursued me). Some of his other family members (particularly his little brother) made super rude comments like asking me what it was like to live in the great depression or saying that he picked me up in a nursing home.

Me and my boyfriend are in a fantastic relationship and care about each other a ton. We're not breaking up just because our families don't approve. However, that doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt. (Question continued)

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We haven't seen our families in a while because of how hard they've been with our relationship. We don't want to cut them out. We still want to have a good relationship with them. It's just hard when they're so not supportive.

How can we deal with our families being so judgmental about our age gap? How can we have a happy relationship and still be an active part of their lives? Is there any way we can get them to become more accepting?
Help! Our Families Disapprove of Our Age Gap Relationship (25M, 39F)—How Can We Handle This?
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