3 d

If I have sex with him , will he stay with me?

last year , I went to another town, I lost my mobile my cards, he took me to the best hotel , we were together for 2 days , after 3-4 months he came to my town we went to the expensive restaurant, I kissed him , his body was very hot , we said I luv u very much I can’t wait to kiss you would u please come to my house, I didn’t accept…. He went to his town , after 5 months it was his birthday I told him I bought you a gift …. he came but it was snowing he called me late ! I didn’t answer him , after that I sent him msgs ok let’s meet up, but he doesn’t come!!! , he keep saying I’m coming I still luv you…. But he doesn’t….

also I was flirting with his friend too!!! Did I do something wrong?
I really like his body , can’t stop thinking about him, but we saw each other only 3 or 4 times… but it’s more than a one year…

If I have sex with him , will he stay with me?
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