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I asked a guy out for my friend and now she’s upset?

My friend lives in a bubble. Very quiet and shy, doesn’t talk to anyone, celibate, won’t get laid, doesn’t go on dates often despite being very pretty, when she does go on dates she always waits for the guy to ask, etc so actually she lives in THREE bubbles: a social bubble, a dating bubble and a sex bubble. She asked me for help with socializing as she’s very uptight and doesn’t know how to talk to people. She’s been trying and improving but I think she would improve a lot more if she was actively dating, meeting men and getting laid (not to be a bitch or a bad friend but the girl could really use a good lay whether she admits it or not). So I’ve taken over all three issues and have gotten nothing but kick back from her.

My dating style is different. I match with guys, I don’t waste time on dates. I make it clear I’m attracted on day one, meet within a week, fuck on the third date and commit on the fourth. I’m 43, she’s 41 so neither of us has any time to waste. I’m more of the dating “cheetah” type while she’s the dating “caterpillar” type (she basically moves an inch per week with dating). I love her, but she fucking kills me with this “I’m not rushing” shit. I’m just like “you’re 41 and single. Rushing is your only option”. She’s been going on dates more (because I have my foot up her ass pushing her). So today she matches with a really cute guy on okcupid. He tells her she’s cute and she says it back (which I say “good girl”). Then she hands me her phone to show me his response. I did something with out her permission and typed “we’re attracted to each other. No more bullshit, let’s meet for drinks!” I hand it back to her and the guy responds “you seem like a good girl. I can change that”. Then she says she doesn’t need corrupting. She blocked the guy and now she’s mad at me for saying that. I’m only trying to help her. Am I the asshole?

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Add to this, I have to coach her how to talk to men because she’s mean to them when they show attraction to her or try to be romantic. I try to help her with how to dress and do her hair for dates because she thinks it’s acceptable to show up for a date in jeans and a t-shirt with her hair pulled back in a ponytail and no make up on. When she tells me that she has a date, I ask what day and time and I come over that morning to help her pick an outfit and make sure she does her hair.
I asked a guy out for my friend and now she’s upset?
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