2 d

Girls and guys, over the phone, video chat, and in person, which type of voice are you attracted to?

Scenario of first time meeting them.
I prefer a guy with a deep voice
It doesn't matter as long as they're talking well
I prefer a girl with a light, soft voice
I prefer a guy with not to deep of voice, definitely not feminine
I prefer a girl with soft tones, definitely not masculine
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
2 d
Oh I asked a controversial question. I'm even getting anon hate on other questions. Move aside. So I like a guy with a deep voice, girls I don't even care. Guys with a feminine voice, i don't care either.
2 d
I mean I don't care is literally not caring or judging or have any cares.
Girls and guys, over the phone, video chat, and in person, which type of voice are you attracted to?
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