3 d

A person you break it off with keeps texting you?

A guy (20) and I liked each other for a few months, we never dated, we never slept with each other- we never even held hand, higher or kissed!
He was really nice but then with how extremely unhygienic he is, I got bitten by bed bugs real bad at his house, he hasn’t had a job for 4 months and doesn’t do anything… even after I told him I’m not into him and we won’t ever be anything l, the guy messages me EVERY SINGLE day to ask “how was your day” or “how are you today”. Sometimes I take 5 hours to reply in hopes he gets the message but he doesn’t. I get sent 20+ videos daily on instagram from him to watch and my brain can’t handle that…

He’s a really sweet guy and really nice but I also do deserve better… I want to be a wife and mother someday and to a good man, this one is not it…

What do I do about him messaging me the exact same messages daily and sending me 20+ videos? HELP
2 d
I probably should add him and I were friends before this and he is a good guy, it just makes blocking him hard
A person you break it off with keeps texting you?
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