3 d

My boyfriend finds me annoying. How should I deal with this?

Tonight I was talking to my boyfriend about how I plan on paying for college after I graduate, telling him how I plan on taking out loans and getting a job. But my ideas sounded jumbled because I’ve never done this before and I don’t understand financial aid and all that stuff yet. (For context, he’s 3 years older and is more knowledgeable about these kinds of things because he works as a student advisor.) He then turned around and started asking me if he should get therapy. I asked why and he said “the things you say annoy me” and “I feel irritated by the way you are”. I comforted him and told him his feelings are valid and emotions are something you can’t completely control so he shouldn’t feel ashamed. But I still feel so hurt by what he said. I get annoyed with him sometimes but it’s never about the way he is, just the occasional cringy behavior or bad joke. I feel so sad but I can’t even defend myself. I don’t know much about life and I talk too much. And when he looks at me, I see disdain in his eyes but he always tells me he loves me. It’s so confusing. I have ambition and confidence that I will be able to take care of these loans and my schooling/career but I’m starting to doubt myself because he doubts me. Have any of you experienced this? How should I cope with my boyfriend thinking I’m annoying?

My boyfriend finds me annoying. How should I deal with this?
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