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What would you do in this situation and how do I get over this?

Hey you see I am in an issue well problem. In my family I’m the sort of girl no one wants or even looks at example my mums friends have always been interested in my sister can’t fault them for that she is beautiful.

Anyways I grew up with no one wanting me which is true they didn’t but than at 18 I came across a friend of mine (we will call him Dee). Me and Dee would talk to each other a lot kind of became moral support for each other and before you know it I ended up having feelings for Dee. But he didn’t he wouldn’t care about my feelings and would would talk behind my back to his friends about me who’s all have a laugh about it.

I still tried to walk away from him but something kept pulling me back it got soo strong my feelings for that I wanted a future with this guy I thought he had changed!! I’m obviously a Muslim girl he’s full on Christian so he reads the bible and would sometimes argue with me about faith and would ask me to sleep with him even though I can’t.

I would pace in my room thinking on how to tell my parents about him cause he’s done it all you name it he’s done it from drugs to sex he’s done it all. So I knew I’d get a broken heart. One day we got into an argument about an ex girlfriend of his long story with that and we both decided it’s best if we take a break from one another couple of days later he’s telling me he’s had sex with a girl he had a crush on even though he knew how I felt about him. The worst is that he told me he would only date someone a girl based off her looks like if she’s super hot and good looking. That broken My heart my mum obviously knows I’m in love but she dosnt know tho the guy is and I’m not willing to tell her about him.

but I am finding myself crying every night and wondering if it’s my fault and could I have done better or tried harder at being pretty!!! What would you all have done. I have thought about running away with him even if my parents didn’t approve.

What would you do in this situation and how do I get over this?
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