3 d

POLL - How long do you wait for marriage?

I talked to a new guy on this app, but we ended up not meeting as he’s wanting marriage & babies until 5 years IF it works out. And that’s honestly a waste of time for me. If I was younger & met this guy when I was 18 then I could of been married by now but no. I’m 26 still no husband. So I want marriage & baby in 1-2 years.
A guy I dated that never met my family wasted many years of my life. So I have no time to waste. if it’s 5 years and living together than that’s fine , or else it’s pointless date& have sex 5 years and no ring.

6 months
1 year
2 years
3-4 years
5 plus years
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3 d
Let’s say you don’t live together until marriage. Or no sex til marriage and dont meet family til marriage.

You would wait 5 years? That’s too long time for me even my family agrees 5 years is waste of time
3 d
Most Religious people marry fast in one year too.
POLL - How long do you wait for marriage?
Post Opinion