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How do I break up with my long term partner who has an emotional disorder?

My partner and I have been together for 5 years. We met when I was 22 and he was in his 30s. I mention our age because at that time, I knew nothing of what I was looking for in someone. We rushed things. As crazy as it sounds since our first date, we never spent a night apart. He was the one orchestrating this, but I went along with it, and within the first week he told me he loved me and I felt pressured to say it back. As time passed in the relationship I essentially became a caretaker for him. I drive him everywhere, I make most of his meals, and I am the only one who works. I don’t resent him for this, because I know he does what he can. It wasn’t easy adjusting, in our early fights he would have extreme outbursts and he would regularly threaten suicide. He’s learned to manage this over time and that hasn’t happened in years. Recently I’ve realized how detached I truly feel from him. He’s a great person, but I know I’m not in love with him. I’ve wondered if he’s been able to detect this, because lately he’s been love bombing me with cheesy Instagram posts and constantly makes extreme statements about how he wouldn’t be able to live without me. He wants us to get married. I want to leave, but every time I consider it I feel overwhelmed by so many things. I think of all the things he relies on me for, and I worry about how he will manage afterwards. I don’t want to hurt him even though it’s inevitable. I’m worried about his reaction, and I wonder if he would have an outburst like the ones he used to have. He’s cut down a lot on this medications he has to take and has made a lot of progress, I worry about this ruining that. He also doesn’t have a car, and I don’t want to leave him without one, so I’ve considered trying to buy him one. I feel terrible, because I know I’ve wasted so much of his time. But our entire relationship, I’ve felt smothered, so much that I don’t talk to anyone in my life about what I’ve been feeling for so long. Any advice?

How do I break up with my long term partner who has an emotional disorder?
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