3 d

How do guys know when they see a future with you?

My boyfriend had minimal dating experience, one ex from years ago and is introverted where he barely pursued other women. We matched on an app but he never went on a date with girls there. I remember our first date lasted nine hours and early in the dating stage, we just hit it off right away. We’re each other’s first actual serious relationship. I’m the first to meet and be introduced to his family since he has a close relationship with them and to his best friend, he’s kind, patient, and understanding with me where I appreciate everything he does. We have some small petty disagreements since we’re not perfect but still appreciate each other Basically we’re mostly each other’s first everything. Question is why pursue me despite the fact he’s had some girl friends and coworker crush on him in the past but put in the effort with me despite being introverted and shy. Why is that and how do guys know when a girl is worth pursuing and see a future with?
How do guys know when they see a future with you?
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