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I met a guy on Instagram from a different state, who should travel first?

We’ve been talking for two months. He asked me if he wants me to go there or I want him to come here. I don’t want him to come to my state though. We FaceTime , he shares his routine with me and calls me almost everyday. I’m not desperate, I don’t like meeting guys online but I don’t know why my gut feeling is serious about this guy even though I can tell he has game. 😩 I met a guy who wanted something serious with me and he was 5 hours away and I never acted these way or even went there. He told me he could pay for my trip half because we don’t know each other but I feel for my safety I’m the one whose need to pay for everything in case something goes wrong. I’ve met people that lie even if they’re your neighbor like my ex in front of your face. I can’t believe I’m so skeptical and for him I really want to act right. 😩 he has a good job good family and what advice should I take before meeting him?
I met a guy on Instagram from a different state, who should travel first?
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