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Why Won't Some People Do A Video Chat Before Meeting?

I'm chatting with a woman on Match. com. She wants me to drive to her so we can meet at Starbucks. She lives about an hour from me. I agreed and asked if we could video chat before the meeting, but she refused.

I told her I'd met a few women, and they didn't look like their pictures. If we do a video chat, she can see exactly what I look like and vice versa. However, she refuses to give me her phone number or do a video chat. (I would never have met the women who lied about their appearance if I had known their true appearance.)

Why do you think some people refuse to do a video chat before meeting?

Why Wont Some People Do A Video Chat Before Meeting?
2 d
I don't know if this matters, but she is not a paid subscriber. She said there are plenty of men who write to her who have paid the extra fee so that non-paying members can respond.
Why Won't Some People Do A Video Chat Before Meeting?
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