8 d

How can I find a guy that wants baby? Why men don’t want to have babies?

I’ve never met a guy that wants to have baby. I’m 27 soon & I want to have 3 babies it’s my dream. The only reason why I have no kids yet is because I never had a boyfriend and never can find a guy that wants have baby with me. It’s just a fantasy in my head me alone planing baby with a guy. 😔

I was talking as friends to a guy friend that dated me in past about how I plan to have baby in future. & he blows up and curses and gets mad never wants to have kids, he wants be single forever & how kids are expensive.
I said that’s y me and my partner can work as team, he pay bills & I pay for all the babies. Half and half. Then like always he belittles me & calls me naive all becuase i want a relationship.
he keeps saying happy endings don’t exist blah blah blah but he’s delusional. No one is saying I will have a partner forever. I can have a boyfriend & baby & husband short term & we breakup & im single mom. That’s not being naive. I know most all woman end up as single moms.

How can I find a guy that wants baby? Why men don’t want to have babies?
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