5 d

This is a little long, but desperate for advice feel so low, stupid and been made a fool?

I know he's NPD, signs of love bomb discard etc etc and keeping tabs on me. We didn't date we hooked up a few times even though we knew each other online for 2 years, this was about 10 years ago. He dumped me, ignored me then spent the best 2 years texting hi then ignoring me so I'd beg. He'd get other women to verbally abuse me. I slowly but surely got my life together but still he'd find ways to contact me. I changed my number so he'd go to kik or dating sites that I was on. Send messages like you'll never get better than me accusing me of filtering pictures etc etc senseless stuff considering we never dated. Eventually I just cut dating sites and deleted messaging apps profiles. 2 years ago he sent an email i put it into junk. Then few weeks ago he sent me an email from an email address I didn't recognise. I'm a fool I replied back then he love bombed me, we met up had sex could not wait to get rid of me after, bragging about all the women he has by referring to us as sluts. he then texted later asking how it was, I played it cool and said it was fine, he then made subtle digs about something that happened then has ignored me since. So I sent an email last night apologising for all the begging years before and I was wrong. he's not replied. I'm closing my email account down, I don't want to risk him emailing me again.

I'm so stupid I hate myself. He made me so unhappy about myself years ago. I feel like I'm back to square 1 again. Why does this man hate me so much, we never even dated or went out. I knew I shouldn't have replied to that email, I had nightmares again, stopped eating and living on my nerves

Any advice will be helpful

This is a little long, but desperate for advice feel so low, stupid and been made a fool?
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