8 d

Why do men seem to hate women now?

I’ve noticed men seem to be so hateful towards women and bitter about dating recently. It’s like anything a woman says is wrong and rooted in some type of scheme against men when none of it’s that deep. Men hate approaching now which just plain hinders dating as a whole considering even with women approaching that’s only half of the dating pool participating in a two way activity.

Men feel stifled somehow fundamentally not sure why and seem to blame women who have no correlation to that or whatever system they’re mad at. If you look at men in good relationships across the board the only think you’ll only they have in common isn’t looks, money, or status its the fact they don’t engage in this type of brain dead internet jargon, they’re oblivious to the online dating cesspool of angry men and actually like women.

Why do men seem to hate women now?
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