22 d

Guys, boyfriend travels home to see parents but not me his girlfriend?

I found out recently that my boyfriend, whom I started dating about five months ago, frequently comes home on the weekends to visit his family. He and I are in a long distance relationship, and have known each other since we were kids. I haven't gotten a chance to spend time with with him or even start the relationship, so it hasn't gone anywhere besides texting and calling each other on the phone. But he told me recently he has been coming home to visit his family and stay a couple days before heading back up to his home a few hours away. I live in the same area, but he doesn't even bother to visit me, text to meet up or anything. His reply is simply "I didn't know if you wanted to, so i didn't ask." Mind you, he is very insecure and doesn't want to bother me all the time since he isn't always on his phone. We started dating simply because he knew I wanted a boyfriend and wanted to get married someday and he wanted to give us a chance, so yeah... I mean, I guess family comes first, but I wanted some opinions from the guys.

I even asked him a few months before fourth of July if he had plans and if he wanted to spend time together, but he said he has an obligation to his mom and dad which he does every year with them... Not even an invite to join them either.

Guys, boyfriend travels home to see parents but not me his girlfriend?
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