Am I unattractive if I only get approached and pursued by men I find unattractive?

My previous boyfriends and the guys who approach me have been guys who I honestly deemed less attractive than me. When it comes to exes I was told that I could do better and that I was more attractive (even by them themselves.) I know it’s harsh but I have to be honest to get an honest opinions back on this question. The men who dm me or approach me on the street I don’t find attractive at all 99% of the time.

But if I find all the men I date and the men who approach me and more attractive men aren’t approaching does that mean I’m less attractive than I think? Sometimes I’ll shoot my shot at I guy I think is slightly less attractive to me then get like maybe entertained then curved which leads me to believe maybe I’m just average or at least less attractive than I think? Thoughts?

Am I unattractive if I only get approached and pursued by men I find unattractive?
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