Ladies, does a man's self-proclaimed 'Incel' identity send your interest running in the opposite direction?

Ladies, does a mans self-proclaimed Incel identity send your interest running in the opposite direction?

I ask this because I imagine it's not so attractive to hear a guy talk about how he can't get women. If you find him attractive, you'd probably want to hear him talking about something else. Something that would make him seem more capable & competent? Or maybe you don't mind if he presents himself as inadequate in certain areas? What are your thoughts?

Photo by "Emma Frances Logan" on Unsplash

Yes, it does. It's a turn-off for me.
No, it doesn't. It's not a turn-off for me.
Depends... (Please Explain)
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10 mo
Not an incel myself. Just wanting to hear perspectives.
Ladies, does a man's self-proclaimed 'Incel' identity send your interest running in the opposite direction?
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