I am curious. How does a guy find the right women to talk to? Do I just need to give people more of a chance or something? Am I being too pessimistic?

I’ll admit I don’t try very often when it comes to women in life.

Its not that I’m this super unattractive guy or that I lack self confidence or anything major like that.

Its more so just that I tend not to feel attraction to very many women at all in general, and the few that I do come across usually tend to have boyfriends (and they’re not just saying that either, I’ve met their boyfriends personally)

So obviously at that point you just gotta leave em be out of respect if they’re already committed somewhere.

There was this one Russian girl I was pretty friendly with though at University, and I was good friends with her boyfriend as well. We could pretty much talk about anything. It was super cool.

I met a french girl once too that had to have probably been at least a solid 9/10, only met her a couple of times though, but supposedly she goes to parties every week with guys she meets on Tinder, so not really a big loss on my part after all lol.

But that’s about as far as I’ve gotten with women at my University in two years though 😂

Only one girl I’d regularly talk to but perhaps you could count the church girls I also briefly talked to as well. They were all nice, but I guess I just didn’t feel strongly enough about them to consider pursuing, I felt indifferent to them. Though maybe I should have given them more of a chance.

I’m just waiting for that girl I feel really strongly about when I first meet her but perhaps that’s just not realistic.

Maybe my problem is just that I don’t give things enough time so I can’t form as meaningful connections with people.

I’m an Engineering student so most of the time its just me being busy and stressing out about stuff but every now and then a couple times a week I do go on outings with my guy friends.

But seriously though, ever since I’ve joined this site, I’ve met all sorts of women on here that actually seemed like decent people. Maybe the internet is deceiving, or maybe women aren’t as bad as I think they are.

I am curious. How does a guy find the right women to talk to? Do I just need to give people more of a chance or something? Am I being too pessimistic?
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