To Wait, Not to Wait, or Is There a Third Option?

So … I have been interested in a woman for a while now that I only ever see at my church. Due to factors in both of our lives, either she or I had been absent from church a lot since Christmas. Of the few times we were both there I never had a good opportunity to talk to her. I finally got a chance yesterday and asked her out. She told me she was flattered but that right now she is too busy to date. I know that can be a way a woman turns a guy down if she wants to be nice.

With her, I genuinely think she’s being honest. She is one of the busiest people I know, working full-time for her dad, part time for her mom, doing lots of things for the church and going to Montana here and there for one - three weeks at a time to help with her family’s ranch.

Is it a good sign or am I reading too much into it that she still took my number after turning me down? Does that leave the door open or would you say she slammed it shut?

I live in a small town with very few singles around our ages and even fewer Christian ones. And there aren’t a lot of options on dating apps that aren’t at minimum over 75 miles away. I’m just curious if I should wait to see if she calls or texts me or should I try to find someone else? The lack of options is the major factor here. And if I do wait, how long should I before I start looking again? This one checks off almost all of the boxes for me so I want to be smart in whatever I do.
To Wait, Not to Wait, or Is There a Third Option?
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