I'm getting anxious over this?

I wasn't into this guy but I still agreed to go out with him just to learn if there's potential. However just by chatting to the guy (before the date) I realised he wouldn't give me space (he wouldn't understand even if I was exhausted), he was possessive (kept asking if I still had feelings for/ kept in contact with my ex etc), was controlling and would kinda expect me to listen to him even when I make decisions on my own career so I told him upfront that my career is my choice.

I decided to tell him that it wasn't working, but he was too pushy and tried to 'convince me' that it would work. I felt uncomfortable and told him I needed a break, but he'd text me again. I blocked his number and he still msged me on socials, calling me immature and that I couldn't make 'proper' decisions- I blocked him again.

He then took it as far as getting his parents involved. They contacted my parents and said he's upset and I led him on and everything. I only texted him lk 4 days. I didn't even go on a single date with him or show him any other sign of interest. What can I do?

I'm getting anxious over this?
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