What are your suggestions for a conservative christian white American male who is struggling in the dating atmosphere and just can’t be a fckboy?

I won’t take any suggestions of “stop being yourself”.

I don’t believe in conforming to other people against my will because its always made me less happy.

The fact of the matter is, I am not ashamed of who I am and I feel no need to apologize because I always try to earn God’s favor in everything I do.

But I still wish I could’ve done better. There definitely are ways I’ve fallen short

Either way I’ve heard it said that most women aren’t worth dating.

And from what I’ve observed, this appears to be mostly true.

Dating requires serious effort, yet most people clearly don’t take it seriously. All the while I already tend to be a naturally pretty lazy and unambitious person.

So I’ve almost felt discouraged from trying. It just seems to me as though it’s a waste of time.

People my age are young and immature.

But at the same time though, I just can’t bring myself to hookup with women.

Because at the end of the day, I’m still thinking about ten years ahead. Since I desire intimacy and a spiritual connection with the human person.

Either way I just feel as though I’m in a tricky position.

I have a goal which seems unattainable, but it is truly the only thing I want.

It makes more sense to just have sex now and stuff but I just really don’t feel comfortable getting touchy feely with women I have no deeply spiritual and emotional connection with.

What are your suggestions for a conservative christian white American male who is struggling in the dating atmosphere and just can’t be a fckboy?
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