How Come Guys I'm Attracted to Aren't Attracted to Me? What Am I Doing Wrong?

I'm an awkward, shy, yet quite confident, blunt and smart 22 year old woman. I've never had a boyfriend, although some guys had crushes on me in my elementary and high school years.

I've noticed that a lot of girls in my community are in a relationship or have been in one, and I'm just thinking to myself, how is it that I've never been in one or even been asked out?

I'm a girl with a cute little afro, who has brown skin, a slender figure, big eyes and full lips. I realize that I may not be attractive in everyone's eyes. People tell me how pretty, attractive or beautiful I am. Majority of the compliments comes form other women, either stating how pretty I am or how cute my clothes look. A few of my guy friends on campus do compliment me on how I dress.

Growing up, I was always a shy, quiet and kind of reserved girl, until I started college. I began to change. I've become a little more outgoing on campus; I began talking more, of course, because my job requires me to associate with others. I began to strike up conversations with both sexes. Although I felt more comfortable just striking up a conversation with another females, I began approaching guys I thought were attractive. Even once in front of my male co workers/guy friends, I'd flirt with this guy in front in me. I told him how attractive I thought he was and talked with him for a minute afterwards.

Although I was nervous, I've asked a couple guys out to get some coffee and to get to know them better. One stood me up and the other didn't seem interested. But once in a while, I still conversate with him. I began to think, what's wrong with me that no guy that I find attractive finds me attractive? My male friends/co workers tell me that I'm pretty blunt, direct, but not aggressive. Even one of my guy friends told me that I'm pretty.

What is it about me that guys I like don't really like about me? And how is it that even the not so attractive girls can get dates?
How Come Guys Im Attracted to Arent Attracted to Me? What Am I Doing Wrong?How Come Guys Im Attracted to Arent Attracted to Me? What Am I Doing Wrong?How Come Guys Im Attracted to Arent Attracted to Me? What Am I Doing Wrong?How Come Guys Im Attracted to Arent Attracted to Me? What Am I Doing Wrong?How Come Guys Im Attracted to Arent Attracted to Me? What Am I Doing Wrong?
+1 y
I will be 22 in less than 2 weeks, so that's why I said I was 22 lol
How Come Guys I'm Attracted to Aren't Attracted to Me? What Am I Doing Wrong?
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