If a guy who turned you down liked you again, would you date him?

I used to like a guy from work who was not allowed to date me because of his job and I tried to get in touch with him after I got laid off but he would never talk to me cause he was worried that if I returned to my old position, he would get fired for dating me. Since then, I’ve begun to lose interest in him because it’s been a year and a half but he keeps creating new profiles to check up on a fake LinkedIn account of mine which he alone knows about - No photo and a fake name, nobody knows about the account other than him, so I wonder if he still likes me because he keeps checking up on me and trying to do it in secret. I just think that with how good my life is, he might not be the best match for me now.
If a guy who turned you down liked you again, would you date him?
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