How do I get older men to be interested in me?

Honestly I think it’s mainly because I have the attention span of a goldfish but I’m not sure if I can actually attract older men? I’m 21 and I recently went on a date with a 31 year old man. It was a great time! He was super sweet and open-minded and it was a great date but there wasn’t a second one. I thought everything went well and he even gave me more contact info and told me to come over any time but nothing ever came of it? I’m not sure what I did wrong but not getting a second date is pretty normal to me because guys usually just want to hookup. Side note: I’m always open to hookups but it seems like guys still want to lie and pretend to be interested in me and pretend like they don’t care if we do hookup and then after the date they basically expect me to? Like you had a chance to tell me if that’s all you wanted to do before but you chose to lie? Like it’s weird? Anyways how do I figure out what’s wrong with me so I can actually attract older guys or more mature men?
How do I get older men to be interested in me?
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