Why does he put his finger in my mouth? What does he mean by all of the things he does to me?

So I've been friends with a guy for about a year now. We have become best friends and we spend 24/7 with each other. We were sleeping in my bed and started to cuddle. Every night after that he wanted to cuddle again. This went on for about two weeks. A few days ago he started pushing my body against his to put his hand on my butt and slide his hand from one side to the other or he would just hold it. Now he has started to put his hand under my shirt and rubs my back. When he's not doing that he's pushing our bodies together and he pulls my hair. He hasn't kissed me though so I don't know what he wants from me. He has also been putting his finger in my mouth and moving it around inside. I don't know why he does that
Why does he put his finger in my mouth? What does he mean by all of the things he does to me?
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