Why does my ex blame me for everything? No matter what negative things occur she points fingers at me without pointing fingers at herself first?

My ex and I are still legally married and we still live together , the second I got laid off from my job , I been applying to jobs like crazy and having no lick whatsoever , everyday I am hunting and applying to jobs trying to get myself back onto my feet , my ex on the other hand , is depending on me to save everyone , including herself , she doesn’t work and thinks she shouldn’t have to work , another reason her and I split , she is a fucking user , I have no support from her whatsoever, she hasn’t stepped up once to help out financially , she constantly makes excuses as to why she can’t work when she is offered jobs in her line of work , she refuses all of them , thinking she shouldn’t have to work. I told her to get her shit and to get out of this house if she doesn’t want to step up and help out , she keeps relying on me to save the day , I told her once I land a job she isn’t getting a dime from me. So you better figure something out soon , part of me thinks she is seeking another Sucker to sweep her off her feet to support her. She is a selfish person and a user. Please someone take her away from me lol
Why does my ex blame me for everything? No matter what negative things occur she points fingers at me without pointing fingers at herself first?
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