Boyfriend mom used my identity?

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year. August will mark our one-year anniversary. I recently returned home from vacation and found a notice in the mail stating that a new car loan was taken out in my name. I never applied for a car loan because I already own a car. I contacted the dealership and the police to report the fraud. After investigating, I discovered that my boyfriend's mom used my information to take out the car loan. Two months earlier, my boyfriend asked me to go with him and his mom to a dealership. He asked me to get a car for his mom in my name, but I did not go through with it. The dealership allowed his mom to forge my signature on the documents, and she has been driving the car without my knowledge since April 26th. Today, the car was repossessed, and I have asked my boyfriend to leave. He is trying to downplay the situation and guilt-trip me, claiming that I'm overreacting because his mom was upset. However, I do not have a relationship with his mom due to a language barrier, and she took advantage of me. Do you think I'm overreacting?

Boyfriend mom used my identity?
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