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Is it OK to isolate yourself? How long is too long?

I feel like I isolate myself for the good of others not to be a bother or nuisance or problem and I feel like I annoy people with my questions and thoughts and comments and sometimes we all need a little alone time and everybody needs a break.
Sometimes I feel like maybe I shouldn’t go back and talk to people at all
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Please don’t give me wrong. I do have these moments of extroverted. Ness where I go out hang out and do things but sometimes my social battery has to recharge. I’ll be around family and do a lot of things and after a while of putting myself out there it’s almost as if I have to retreat and I’ve done enough and a lot and I know at some point I need to find a partner, but if they haven’t seen me or found me at this point, I feel like I’m doing the most and a lot and I feel desperate than needy.
Is it OK to isolate yourself? How long is too long?
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