Can there be platonic friendships between men and women?


Do you think a man and a woman can ever really have a close platonic friendship? Have you personally ever experienced that kind of friendship? Were there challenges to maintaining the friendship?

15 d
Okay. Thanks for the answers so far. I have had several platonic ones, too. But, lately, I get quite a few people, men in particular, telling me that it can't really happen. The reasoning seems to be a version of "You know, boys will be boys." What's up with that?
15 d
So far, it seems to have come down to men in their 30s who lack maturity will say "no" it isn't possible... annnd men are predators who can disguise themselves for months or even years until they can make a move on a woman they are "friends" with. I think there's merit to both ideas. Any other thoughts on the subject? If you haven't answered the question already, do YOU believe YOU could have a platonic friendship with someone of the opposite sex and under what circumstances?
Can there be platonic friendships between men and women?
33 Opinion